How to Ride Rental motorcycle in Japan(在日本租機車)

How to Ride Rental motorcycle in Japan
Are you interested in motorbike touring in Japan?
I’m love motorcycle Japanese.
I will teach how to ride motorcycle in japan.
Sorry,I’m English very poor.
But, I will do my best and teach you.
Rental motorcycle stores
「レンタルバイクキズキ」(RENTAL 819) is famous rental motorcycle shop.
(RENTAL 819 [English page] [中文])
Touring seasen
Best motorcycle touring season is Apr〜Oct.
But,Hokkaido North area may be snow cover in Apr.
Snow depending on region is Nov〜Feb.
Notes on driving
「止まれ」(Pause sign)be offten by crossroad.
Have to pause on this side of white line.
Policeman offten near pause sign.
Speed limit
Speed limit sign is「km/h」inscription in Japan.
No entry sign
This is No entry sign.
Policeman offten near no entry sign too.
Traffic on the left
Traffic on the left in Japan.
Japanese is very like to drive safety.
When giving way,Light the “Thank you hazard lamp”(ありがとハザード)
Gas station
The type of gasoline is regular(レギュラー) or Premium(ハイオク).